Mobile Mardi Gras Safety & Info

Mardi Gras 2015


Mardi Gras information requests can be addressed by dialing 311, the city’s information line, or go to


Towed vehicles will be taken to a temporary impound lot at Water and Monroe Streets. The temporary fenced lot is located between the former Roussos Restaurant and the Mobile Cruise Terminal under the I-10 roadway.

The lot will be open until 11:00 p.m. each parade night. Vehicles not retrieved by that time will be moved to the permanent impound facility behind the Mobile Police Department Training Academy at 1251 Virginia Street.

Cost to retrieve a vehicle from either of the impound lots is $125. Only cash, debit cards or Master Card and Visa credit cards will be accepted. 


Do not cross the barricades. Each officer will be carrying a ticket book and will be issuing citations for the offense. The fine for crossing the barricades is $298.

Glass containers are prohibited by city ordinance.

Do not follow floats. Violators may be arrested.

Do not throw any object in the direction of floats, band members or any parade participants. Violators may be arrested.

Pets are prohibited during the parades downtown.

Skateboards and motorized scooters are prohibited.

No “Silly String” or “Snap & Pops”.  They're illegal.


More from our brothers & sisters at NBC15 here.

Order of Polka Dots, 2015
Mobile Mardi Gras, Jan 31, 2016

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